Order Handling and Best Execution

Last updated 23rd May 2024


This page summarises the Order Handling and Best Execution Policy ("the Policy") of Quetzal Finance Ltd, company number 13889292, FRN: 775330 ("Quetzal", "we", "us", "our"). This page is designed to disclose how we execute the orders that our Corporate Clients ("Client", "You", "Yours") instruct to us when using the Quetzal Web Application (the “App”).

By using our services, you agree to our Terms and Conditions, which include our Best Execution Policy. If you do not agree with our Best Execution Policy, you should not use our services.

Financial Instruments Offered

Quetzal allows you invest in a single fund: the BlackRock ICS Sterling Liquidity Fund, ISIN: IE00B43FT809 (the “Fund”, “Product”). Details about this fund and the risks associated can be found in our Risk Disclosure and the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) for the Fund.

Trading Venues

Quetzal offers execution through a single third party: WealthKernel Limited (company number 09686970; FRN 723719) ("WealthKernel", “the Custodian”), a UK-based third-party executing broker and custodian. WealthKernel is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom. When selecting a third party to execute trades, we consider their ability to provide the Best Execution for our Clients; this includes reviewing their own Best Execution policies, and reviewing our relationship with them once a year to assess their performance. WealthKernel is obliged to provide you with Best Execution and does so according to their own Best Execution Policy which details the Execution Venues they use, and how they are selected.

Commissions, Costs and Charges

We do not charge any commissions or fees for the execution of your orders. We do not receive any benefit (monetary or otherwise) from any trade execution venues (such as the Custodian) in return for sending the Firm’s customers’ orders to them.

How orders are executed

When you submit an order via the Quetzal App, we will immediately transmit this order to WealthKernel for execution. This means that Quetzal does not execute your orders and so does not have to comply with the requirement to achieve best execution. WealthKernel will execute your order in line wtih their Best Execution Policy.

Specific Instructions

Where you provide a specific instruction in relation to the order, or aspects of the order, we and the Custodian will endeavour to obtain the best possible result. However, the specific instruction may prevent us or the Custodian from taking the steps designed to provide Best Execution. This may include (but is not limited to): dealing on a specific venue, regardless of price; requesting an order to be executed at a specific time in the future, regardless of a better fill being available; requesting a specific size to be executed, with no option for making shapes, regardless of the price. In fulfilling a specific client instruction, Quetzal and the Custodian will be deemed to have taken all sufficient steps to obtain the best possible result for its client. We will warn you that doing so may prevent us or the Custodian from achieving best execution.

More information

To download a copy of the full policy, please click here Order Handling and Best Execution Policy.