Complaints Policy

Last updated 1st February 2024

How to Make a Complaint

Customers can make a complaint through any of the following channels:

  • Email: Send an email to, or any member of staff using the word 'complaint' in the subject line or body.
  • Phone: Call our customer service team at +44 333 041 0140.
  • Mail: Send a letter to Quetzal Finance Ltd, Complaints Department, Unit 2, Pondtail Farm, Coolham Road, West Grinstead, Horsham, West Sussex, England, RH13 8LN.

All complaints received are submitted via a Complaints Recording Form to track the complaint internally.

Complaints Handling Process

This section outlines our standards and procedures for handling complaints, as required in line with our regulatory obligations.


We will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 24 hours during business days, and 72 hours over a weekend, providing the complainant with a unique reference number and the contact details of the staff member handling the complaint.

Any complaint will be logged in our complaints register, noting your details, how it was received, and any particulars of the complaint.


We will conduct a competent, diligent, thorough, and impartial investigation into the complaint, obtaining all relevant information from the complainant and our records, as well as other sources where necessary.


We will provide a written response to the complainant within 3 business days of receiving the complaint. If the complaint is complex and requires more time for investigation, we will inform the complainant of the expected resolution time and provide updates at least every 10 business days.

In our response, we will explain our assessment, including any corrective actions taken, and, where appropriate, offer compensation or other forms of redress. If the complainant is not satisfied with our resolution, they can request an internal review of the decision or escalate the complaint to a relevant external dispute resolution body (including the FOS in the case of eligible complainants). Any assessment will be fair, consistent, and prompt. We will endeavour to use simple language, and if you require any clarification or alternative formats you may request one.


If you accept our response and associated action or redress, we will comply with our offer promptly. Complaints can only be closed as resolved if a member of our senior management confirms so, or by the RiskSave Compliance Officer if referred accordingly.

Final Response

Once eight weeks have elapsed (unless the complainant has already accepted a response) a "final response" will be sent to the customer which:

  • Accepts the complaint and offers redress or remedial action where appropriate; or
  • Offers redress or remedial action without accepting the complaint; or
  • Rejects the complaint and gives reasons for doing so.

If you are dissatisfied with our response, and you are an eligible complainant, you may refer your complaint to the Ombudsman. Details of how to do so are contained in the Ombudsman's standard explanatory leaflet, which is available on their website at Financial Ombudsman Service. We may under certain circumstances consent to waiving the six-month time limit for referring a complaint to the Ombudsman after a final response. These are considered on a case-by-case basis; our standard position is not to waive these limits, however, if we decide to do so, this will be included in your final response letter.

If you are not an eligible complainant, we will still consider the matter carefully, and where possible, will endeavour to resolve the complaint in line with the above timelines, and fully within eight weeks.

Written Response

We will give a "written response" within eight weeks, where we are not in a position to issue a "Final Response".

This written response will explain why we cannot make a final response, and outline a timeline for when we expect to provide one.

Quetzal Contact Details

For further information about our complaints policy, please contact our Director, Ed Bramwell.

  • Email: or staff at [first name]
  • Phone: +44 333 041 0140.
  • Address: Quetzal Finance Ltd, Complaints Department, Unit 2, Pondtail Farm, Coolham Road, West Grinstead, Horsham, West Sussex, England, RH13 8LN.

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)

The Financial Ombudsman Service is an accessible and cost-free service that aims to resolve complaints between consumers and businesses providing financial services. It operates with the goal of settling disputes in a manner that is both impartial and fair, and its decisions are binding on all parties involved.

Key Points About FOS:

  • Free Service: You can make a complaint without incurring any fees.
  • Impartial and Fair: The FOS handles disputes with a balanced and just approach.
  • Binding Decisions: Once a decision is made by the FOS, it is final and must be adhered to by all parties.

Before Contacting the FOS:

It's important to note that the FOS typically will not consider a complaint until the firm in question has had the opportunity to address the issue. Therefore, it is advisable to wait until you have received a final response from the firm, or until eight weeks have passed since the initial complaint was lodged (whichever comes first), before escalating the matter to the FOS.

FOS Contact Details:

Should you need to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service after following the recommended steps, here is their contact information:

For further assistance or guidance on how to proceed with a complaint, the Financial Ombudsman Service is ready to help you navigate through the process.